What Is Infopreneurship? And 4 Steps You Must Take To Become One

10 min readMay 13, 2022


“Did you know the role of a business owner is shifting from the “old order” traditional type that came from greed and competition to one where the game is now about providing value?” said Micahel Gerber, author of E-Myth Mastery. I have been working on various ways to implement infopreneurship because it is my definition of success.

Infopreneurship is a new buzzword in internet entrepreneur circles. Many people talk about it, but few understand what it means. You see, an entrepreneur starts a business or ventures on his account, taking on financial risk to do so, thus entrepreneurship is referred to as a risky business.

Infopreneurship is the next big thing, and here’s why. Infopreneurship combines infographics, blogging and entrepreneurship. It’s a ready-made sales funnel that very few realise exists.

As the name suggests, Infopreneurship involves creating other forms of knowledge products. Information products are not just brochures and e-books. Any product that can help solve a problem or enhance someone’s knowledge can be considered an information product.

This article will show you how to create and run an independent profitable information business. I will tell you what information entrepreneurs do and why they are so beneficial in these times of free websites and free content.

What is infopreneurship?

Are you still confused about what exactly is infopreneurship? Don’t worry, I have got your back covered.

If you’re an entrepreneur and considering starting an information marketing business, it’s normal to be concerned about what that means. Is being an infopreneur the same thing as being a freelancer? An online entrepreneur? A digital information marketer? A freelance content writer? Or is it something entirely different? The answer begins with understanding what infopreneurship is.

The famous business author and speaker Timothy F. Ferriss coined the term’ infopreneurship’ in his book ‘The 4 Hour Work Week’. According to Ferris, infopreneurs use and combine information technology and digital tools to start an online business.

Infopreneurship is a combination of ‘information’ and ‘entrepreneurship’.

By combining the words’ information’ and ‘entrepreneurship,’ Tim Ferriss has developed an intriguing name for a new kind of entrepreneur- one that uses the information to create wealth, opportunities and businesses. It’s a term that only captures a small part of what infopreneurs do, but it’s still useful.

What/Who are Infopreneurs? Are you an Information Entrepreneur?

Infopreneurs are worldwide entrepreneurs who use their knowledge and expertise to create information products and services that empower others. They are a new breed of business owners who work remotely, often from their home offices, and reach the entire world through the internet. You could be one too!

Infopreneurs build a business around information, often by sharing or selling it. They don’t need to own a business or sell a physical product. They need to offer something of value on the internet and deliver consistently.

When we talk of infopreneurship, there is a discomforting sense that a successful business owner will ruin their company by sharing their information — making it less of a buyer’s market and more of a seller’s market. But this need not be the case. Infopreneurs can still make money and retain customers while also providing detailed insider tips.

Are you a Good Candidate to be an Infopreneur?

Are you a good candidate for the information entrepreneur lifestyle? In other words, are you an excellent candidate to be an infopreneur? There are many reasons why different people become infopreneurs. Some have a specific skill or expertise and want to share it with the world.

You can be a good candidate if you are a person who likes to share information and knowledge. You must enjoy writing a lot and be your boss. Being an infopreneur may not be suitable for you if you are not willing to share information and want to run the business as a part-time job.

Questions to answer will help determine if you are ready to make recommendations to your customers.

  • Are you an expert in your field?
  • Do you know the answers to your clients’ questions?
  • Do you want to guide, inform and ask questions to the customer?
  • Do you have resources that would be helpful to offer information and support?
  • In your personal life, do you enjoy helping people?
  • Are you comfortable being centre stage?
  • Are there other personal attributes that would help make this business a success?

What are some Qualities that an Infopreneur Should Have?

Do you have what it takes to be successful as an infopreneur? To succeed in an information niche, you must develop and nurture several qualities. Let’s discuss those qualities that are most important. Hopefully, these qualities will help you get started on the right foot as you venture out into your new ‘writing’ career.

The Best Candidates are People who like to Teach Others — Do you like to help people learn new things? Are you good at explaining things? Great, because I am looking for someone like you. I have a growing list of topics that need explaining. An information entrepreneur loves to teach others and creates content focused on one particular subject.

Have you ever taught a friend something you’re good at? Maybe you taught them a new hobby or hobby skill, or some tricks to be more efficient with their work. If you’ve done so, then chances are you might be a good fit for an online information product business.

If you like to teach others how to do things, whether a hobby or skill such as sports, crafts, cooking, investing, parenting and so forth, then you might be an excellent candidate to teach others about it. Being successful in this industry boils down to having the right attitude and mindset for providing information for people who want to learn.

The Best Candidates Enjoy Building and Testing Marketing Messages — Researching and writing subject matter is the cornerstone of any successful content-based business. The best candidate for infopreneurship enjoys building and testing marketing messages.

Suppose you ask an experienced marketer what skills they think are required to succeed in marketing. In that case, they’ll probably tell you “a good marketing message and the ability to deliver that message to customers.”

It might be hard to find experienced marketers who don’t think this is the case. The reason why experience marketers value having a message above all else has to do with the complexity of running a business. If a person doesn’t know what problem they’re solving and how their product solves it, getting them to pay for a product or service can be like pulling teeth.

The best candidate for infopreneurship enjoys building and testing marketing messages. Setting up a simple funnel can help you generate leads for your business. This way, you know exactly how many people see each ad, what they click on and ultimately, where your sales are coming from.

Be Devoted to Helping Others — Above all, the best candidate for infopreneurship is one who is devoted to helping others — who needs no further motivation than the satisfaction of making a difference.

The most successful entrepreneurs love creating and solving problems for people. Their business grows because they put a great product in front of the people that need it most. The infopreneur pursues this same goal, seeking out the problems their products can solve throughout their dominant markets.

So, do you have a passion for helping people succeed? Are you actively teaching or mentoring others regularly? Do you feel the need to share your knowledge with those seeking it? If so, you might be an Infopreneur. I like to call myself an Infopreneur because I love teaching others to make money online.

Be an Expert on your Topic — There are two ways people usually become part of the “informational” industry: content writers and product creators. These paths require you to write, but not always by words alone.

In many cases, you’ll have to communicate detailed instructions and describe your business in different ways. For example, your customers may come from various backgrounds, meaning that it might be necessary to create more than one sales page depending on your audience.

You might know a lot about the subject, but how good are you at conveying information to your readers in a way they can absorb it? The best candidate for infopreneurship is one who is good with the written word or has an entertaining or educational style of speaking that translates well to text.

Many people are teaching others about making money online, writing e-books, and affiliate marketing. But there are not many who do it successfully. The best candidate for infopreneurship is one who knows why you should buy from them and their website.

Enjoy Spending Time Working Alone — One of the aspects of the job that I’ve enjoyed is working alone. Have you experienced the secret joy of working alone to create something?

It’s not the same joy you experience when you’re part of a team, accompanied by a lot of noise, gossip and silly jokes. Now, I’m not saying that I don’t enjoy working as part of a team or even collaborating with others outside my role while working on projects — but none of those experiences can replicate what I feel when working by myself. None of them come close to how my mind races, thinking of new ways to engage with prospects and customers.

According to studies, working alone is beneficial in a lot of ways. You can also be more productive and creative. And that’s why being an information entrepreneur can be an excellent career choice for people who enjoy spending time alone.

Here are 4 steps you must take to Become An Infopreneur:

If you are thinking about launching an informational website but don’t know the first place to start, this article is for you. My goal is to give you a framework to follow that will help clarify your informational product ideas. So, let’s see the 4 steps to becoming an infopreneur in 2022.

Step 1: Identify your Areas of Specialty

It isn’t always easy to determine what your areas of speciality are. What is it that you do better than others? What gives you an edge when it comes to creating content?

If you plan to launch a blog and make money online, I see people make one big mistake: they try to sell everything their site visitor is interested in. This is a great way to overwhelm people and lose them as customers.

Instead, let’s focus on your areas of speciality and use the power of the internet so you can go from a victim of circumstance to an authority on what you already know.

Step 2: Decide What Type of Content to Create

Decide what kind of content you want to create. Your first decision is straightforward — what type of information are you going to share with the world? Are you going to write articles, e-books, or both? Are you going to offer tips or try teaching a skill? Are you going to follow a specific niche and write about a related subject matter (e.g., pet health) on your blog?

The second step in becoming an infopreneur is to decide what types of content you want to create in your information business. Are you interested in blogging? Do you want to write books? Or are you more interested in creating videos or other forms of multimedia content?

Yes, there are many different types of content from which you can create. You have to select what comes easily and naturally to you. Also, it would be best if you considered where your target audience is at.

Step 3: Refine and Define your Brand, and Research your Competition

Well, one thing you will notice when you start on your infopreneur journey is that it’s a very saturated business environment. That means you will have to work even harder to get visitors to your website successfully.

Before you can even consider getting visitors, you need to carefully develop your brand by researching what information niche will best fit your skills, experience, and passion. Then once you have a better idea of what type of information niche, you want to capture some traffic in and begin making money online with, it’s essential to research your competition. Hence, you know what type of content they are providing.

The easiest way to do this is by typing in keywords related to the topic you want to blog about into a search engine and looking at what comes up first.

Step 4: You’ll Need to Develop a Revenue Model for your website

While the previous three steps will help you realise your vision and attract loyal visitors, they won’t make you any money. Whether establishing this site as a hobby or as a serious business venture, the information you have gathered in steps 1–3 must be tied to a revenue model.

Developing your revenue model will give you a good idea of how much money you can make from your website. While some people start with the aim of becoming a full-time blogger, likely, this won’t be a realistic goal for most. Your business model should make it possible for you to make extra money and provide value to your audience.

You can read more about developing a revenue model in one of my previous blog posts called Start Your Online School or Membership Site in 10 Easy Steps.


The internet has transformed the world, and now anyone can be a part of the global economy. Not only that, but you can also make money from home by helping others solve their problems online.

Infopreneurship is taking advantage of these online marketplaces like you never could before. It’s about helping people and making money at the same time! For example, you might create an e-book on making a healthy breakfast in 15 minutes or less. And in exchange for giving away your e-book, you’ll likely get free access to many online marketing tools that will ultimately help you sell your cookbook to interested members of the general public.

You can then use the profits from those sales to create more e-books in other niches that appeal to both you and your customers. Simultaneously, the field’s growth means opportunities everywhere for infopreneurs who want to work with these companies both directly and indirectly.

In the end, your journey to infopreneurship is unique, just like your own personal development. If there was simply a guide that everyone followed and became successful, everyone would be doing it, and there would be no more guideposts to follow.

It’s a lifelong journey that, at times, will be difficult and, at others, times will be a breeze. There will be obstacles in your way, but if you continue to follow these four steps, you’ll get closer and closer to achieving your goal.

But remember above all else: keep working hard, keep learning new things and most of all; enjoy yourself!

Originally published on edisonos.com.




Written by EdisonOS

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